Amit Shah Exclusive Interview: During the interview with the Union Home Minister, when asked whether Yogi Adityanath would be the Chief Minister in Uttar Pradesh, he said that the party is contesting the elections in UP under the leadership of Yogi and if he wins, Yogi Adityanath will be made Chief Minister no matter how many seats come.
New Delhi: Amidst the heat of the elections in five states, Home Minister Amit Shah on Monday gave his opinion on many issues in an interview During the interview, while talking interviewer also asked whether Yogi Adityanath will be the Chief Minister of the state if the Bharatiya Janata Party wins.
During the interview with the Union Home Minister, when asked whether Yogi Adityanath would be the Chief Minister in Uttar Pradesh, he said that the party is contesting the elections in UP under the leadership of Yogi and if he wins, Yogi Adityanath will become the Chief Minister, irrespective of the number of seats. Come on.
Amit Shah said that during the tenure of CM Yogi Adityanath, there has been a massive improvement in the field of education in the state. Work has been done to build 51 new colleges in the state while 40 new medical colleges have been built in the last five years.
The Union Home Minister said that the government of CM Yogi Adityanath has prepared a new model of development in UP. He has resolved to work on Ken-Betwa Linga and at present work is being done to build 5 expressways in UP. Amit Shah said that development work is being done with infrastructure in UP at a fast pace.
During the interview, the Home Minister said on the question of alliance with BJP and Mayawati in the assembly elections that BJP is going to form the government with full majority. He said that every party needs support to do good work. We need the support of the SP as well as the opposition, but we will not need anyone's support to form the government. He said that first of all, poor people are associated with BJP, and we have waived loans of 86 lakh farmers.