The longest Ram Path in Ayodhya is being constructed at a fast pace. In this Ram path being built from Saadatganj to Naya Ghat, hundreds of years old, more than 50 monasteries and temples have become non-existent, that is, the mythology of all of them has now been recorded in the pages of history.
New Delhi: Beautiful pictures of monasteries and temples come to mind as soon as the name of Ayodhya of Uttar Pradesh is mentioned. It is said that Lord Rama resides in every part of Ayodhya. In such a situation, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has taken up the task of decorating and beautifying Ayodhya. These days many development schemes are being implemented in Ayodhya. But, many historical heritage sites are being recorded in the pages of history behind Sanvarti Ayodhya. This is being said because the roads are being widened in Ayodhya.
The longest Ram Path in Ayodhya is being constructed at a fast pace. In this Ram Path, which is being built from Saadatganj to Naya Ghat, more than 50 monasteries and temples that are hundreds of years old have become non-existent, that means, the mythology of all of them has now been recorded in the pages of history.
To build a new Ayodhya, the existence of old Ayodhya is under threat. Be it the 400-year-old Singh Dwar or the hundred-year-old Phulpur temple. The existence of all these is now confined to the pages of history. The devotees who come here also get distracted by seeing this picture of Ayodhya. A question arises in his mind that now Ayodhya will not look like before. Although some people even forget the street and the intersection. There is a fear from the business community to the local people. The ancient things of old Ayodhya are being destroyed to establish new Ayodhya.
On the other hand, if the higher officials are to be believed, efforts will be made to keep the old things alive. But, the pictures of now say something else. Monasteries and temples are being razed to the ground.
Mahant Raju Das of Hanumangarhi says that we are ready to bear anything for the all-round development of Ayodhya, because Ayodhya was neglected in previous governments. In the present government, development projects worth thousands of crores of rupees are going on in Ayodhya. He said that in the widening of the Ram Path of Ayodhya, buildings, monasteries and temples built for hundreds of years are being razed to the ground. The construction work of Lakhori brick stone was done 300 years ago. It had covered our Sanatan.
Ayodhya is also a mythological place
Raju Das said that Ayodhya's ancient culture, its ancient splendor shows that it is a mythological place. Ayodhya was going on by including him. But I will not blame the government for this misfortune. However, I will completely blame the government employee. We have been continuously talking about nation and eternal culture. Have been raising his voice. From Naya Ghat to Ayodhya, it is lying deserted. Seeing indifference on the faces of people causes immense pain. The soul becomes sad.
He said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath should take action against the officers who are doing hilahwali, eating money, taking bribes regarding the antiquity and beauty of Ayodhya. All this should be stopped and the antiquity of Ayodhya should be allowed to remain.