Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) Union General Secretary Milind Parande told during a press conference on Thursday that Bajrang Dal is an inspiration for crores of Hindu youth today. This is the reason why the youth of the country are joining Bajrang Dal with great pride and self-respect.
New Delhi: Bajrang Dal, the youth wing of RSS-affiliated Vishwa Hindu Parishad, has decided to run a massive online campaign in November to connect 50 lakh youth of the country with them. Bajrang Dal especially wants to engage the youth in the age group of 15 to 35 years.
This campaign of Bajrang Dal is being considered very important in view of the Lok Sabha elections to be held in 2024. At present, about 24 lakh people are associated with Bajrang Dal and if 50 lakh youths of the country join with it, then on the strength of the membership number of 74 lakhs and that too especially the number of youth, Bajrang Dal elections will be held on a large scale. can affect.
Lok Sabha elections to be held in 2024
Bajrang Dal's national convener Neeraj Doneria said that Bajrang Dal has been working since 1984 and their organization has nothing to do with politics and elections. Bajrang Dal has taken the goal of service, security and culture of the country and keeping this objective in mind, the party is organizing and awakening the Hindu youth by connecting them with them.
He said that Bajrang Dal is trying to bring the youth of India on the mantras of courage, bravery and valour with courage, from patriotism to women's respect and national self-respect and not fleeing from Dev-Bhakti. The team will also train them thoroughly for the development of their intellectual abilities.
Join Bajrang Dal campaign will be launched
Vishwa Hindu Parishad's Union General Secretary Milind Parande said that the youth of the country today want to work for the country, religion and culture by joining Bajrang Dal on a large scale, so this Join Bajrang Dal campaign is being launched so that the youth of the country Make it easy to connect with it. He said that under this special campaign, Hindu youth between the age group of 15 to 35 years can go to the official website of VHP and click on the Join Bajrang Dal campaign icon.
After this, their workers will contact such youth and try to connect them with the work of national religion on the basis of their interest, ability and availability of time.