Delhi BJP President Adesh Gupta on Tuesday inaugurated the newly constructed Fixed Compactor Transfer Station (FCTS) on Devli Bandh - Dhalao in South Zone.
New Delhi: Member of Parliament Ramesh Bidhuri, Anil Jain, MP, Rambir Singh bidhuri, LoP in Delhi assembly, Delhi BJP President Adesh Gupta and Mayor of South Delhi, Mukesh Suryan on Tuesday inaugurated the newly constructed Fixed Compactor Transfer Station (FCTS) on Devli Bandh- Dhalao in South Zone.
Mukesh Suryan on the occasion said that with inauguration of the FCTS, garbage menace in three wards of the South Zone-Sangam Vihar, Sangam Vihar-B and Devli will be resolved as the project has provision for handling green waste, recyclables and compostable waste.