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India slams Pakistan: Criticized over statement on Prophet, India gave a befitting reply to Pakistan

India slams Pakistan: BJP suspended its national spokesperson Nupur Sharma from the party on Sunday for controversial statements. At the same time, the party leadership decided to throw out the Delhi unit's media chief Naveen Kumar Jindal from the party. Many Gulf countries have lodged strong objections to the controversial remarks of both the leaders.

New Delhi: There has been a ruckus over the alleged controversial statement given by the suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma regarding Prophet Mohammad. Taking action, the ruling party suspended the spokesperson. But after this statement, Pakistan is in the process of setting its agenda, which has been given a scathing reply from India.

Befitting reply to Pakistan

The Ministry of External Affairs gave a befitting reply to the Prime Minister of Pakistan Shahbaz Sharif in this matter, saying that the remarks of one country which constantly violate the rights of minorities, the treatment of minorities in another country is not acceptable to anyone. It is well known that there is no atrocity with minorities in Pakistan and there is continuous persecution of Hindus, Christians, and Sikhs.

On behalf of the ministry, it was further said that Pakistan should worry about the safety and condition of minorities in its country. The neighbouring country should not indulge in disturbing communal harmony and should not run any kind of propaganda. On the other hand, reacting strongly to the statements of the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC), Foreign Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said that India holds the highest respect for all religions and the statement of the 57-member group on its divisive agenda at the behest of vested interests. exposes. Here too, the reference of the Ministry of External Affairs was towards Pakistan.

Shehbaz Sharif had made false allegations

In this case, Pakistan Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif on Sunday condemned the alleged controversial remarks against Prophet Mohammad by BJP leaders. The Pakistani Prime Minister had alleged that the present government of India was crushing religious freedom and the rights of Muslims in particular. Pakistan had summoned the in-charge of the Indian High Commission on Monday to register its protest over these controversial statements.

Significantly, BJP on Sunday suspended its national spokesperson Nupur Sharma from the party for controversial statements. At the same time, the party leadership decided to throw out the Delhi unit's media chief Naveen Kumar Jindal from the party. Many Gulf countries have lodged strong objections to the controversial remarks of both the leaders.

Welcomed the action of the BJP

After the statement of BJP leaders, Qatar, Kuwait and Iran summoned Indian ambassadors in this matter and condemned this controversial statement. Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Afghanistan have also condemned the controversial statement. Saudi Arabia's Foreign Ministry issued a statement condemning the remarks of the BJP spokesperson, saying they insulted Prophet Mohammed.

On the other hand, the Foreign Ministry of Bahrain welcomed the action of the BJP against its leaders. Kuwait's foreign ministry said the Indian ambassador was summoned on Sunday and an official protest note was handed over to him by the assistant foreign minister for Asia affairs, categorically condemning the BJP leader's remarks against the prophet.

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