Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami was camping in Delhi for the last two days, about which many political speculations were being made. Other BJP leaders from Uttarakhand also accompanied him to Delhi.
New Delhi: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami joins Prime Minister Narendra Modi's roadshow to campaign for the Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections. During this, he also met the party's national president JP Nadda. On Thursday, Chief Minister Dhami reached Lucknow from New Delhi to campaign for BJP candidates.
On Friday, he will leave for Varanasi from Lucknow. A road show of Prime Minister Narendra Modi was to be held for the election campaign of the BJP candidate in Varanasi.
Chief Minister Dhami was also present along with National President Nadda in this road show. Let us inform you that the Chief Minister was in New Delhi for the last two days. The market of discussions was heating up in the political circles regarding his camping in Delhi.