The Uttar Pradesh assembly elections have reached their third phase. Voting for the third phase will be held on February 20. However, in the meantime, the round of political rallies continues. During one such rally, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh had to face sloganeering on the issue of employment. As soon as Rajnath Singh is about to start his speech from the stage, some youths from the crowd start raising slogans regarding recruitment in the army.
The case is of Gonda district of Uttar Pradesh. The Defence Minister had come here to campaign in support of the BJP candidate. But as soon as he starts his speech from the stage, some people start raising slogans of 'Start army recruitment'.
When the minister asks the people present on the stage, they are told that the youth are asking about recruitment in the army. Meanwhile, slogans are raised, "Start army recruitment, fulfil our demands."
Amidst sloganeering by youth, the Defence Minister says, 'Don't worry, hogi...' And they try to pacify the protesting youth. During a rally in Gonda district, he says, "Your concern is ours too. There were some difficulties due to Coronavirus.
Everyone starts shouting "Bharat Mata Ki Jai" after listening to Defence Minister Rajnath Singh. The BJP, which released its manifesto last week, has promised job or self-employment opportunities to at least one member of each family in the state.