Deputy Commissioner of Police Shankar Chaudhary said that a separate number 9643100100 has been issued in view of women's safety. The number will be monitored from the office of the Deputy Commissioner of Police. The complaints received in the WhatsApp group will be immediately sent to the concerned authorities for action. Along with this, women's safety committees have been formed in 11 police stations to help women.
New Delhi: Dwarka District Police has started a unique initiative in view of women's safety. Security committees have been formed in 11 police stations under the leadership of the Deputy Commissioner of Police and all have been linked to a WhatsApp group. Its objective is to take speedy action on all types of complaints related to women. Also, all the matters have to be brought to the notice of the Deputy Commissioner of Police.
Special Number
Deputy Commissioner of Police Shankar Chaudhary said that a separate number 9643100100 has been issued in view of women's safety. The number will be monitored from the office of the Deputy Commissioner of Police. The complaints received in the WhatsApp group will be immediately sent to the concerned authorities for action.
Women will not have to go to police stations
Police officials say that this initiative will boost confidence among women. Crimes related to women will be heard very easily. Also, women will not even need to go to the police stations to lodge complaints.
Mahila Suraksha Samiti will take up the issues of women's safety. At the same time, crimes committed in parks and streets will be taken as the eyes and ears of Delhi Police and will reach the Deputy Commissioner's office. The Dwarka Police has connected 1190 people with the Security Committee and WhatsApp Group, which will work as a cooperative team of the police. In Delhi Police, police friends and watchmen act as their eyes and ears.
Urban as well as rural women in women's safety committee
Similarly, Dwarka District Police has included women from not only urban but also rural areas in the Mahila Suraksha Samiti. After examining the approved name of the station in charge and the Assistant Commissioner of Police, the committee has been included. The members of the committee will make a significant contribution to the smooth running of law and order by working shoulder to shoulder with Delhi Police for the next one year.