The CBI conducted raids at four places in Delhi-NCR in connection with its ongoing probe against a call center involved in duping US citizens. During this, the CBI has recovered an amount of more than three crore rupees.
New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) conducted raids at four locations in Delhi-NCR in connection with its ongoing probe against a call center involved in duping US citizens. During this, the CBI has recovered an amount of more than three crore rupees. Officials said that the agency searched the premises of the accused and recovered foreign currency and approximately Rs 3,09,64,100. Besides, 15 mobile phones and seven laptops have also been seized by the CBI, officials said.
Were running fake tech support call centre
According to CBI, the laptop contains information like 'remote access application', fake international calling numbers, documents related to US citizens etc. "During the raid, a tech support bogus call centre was found and the accused/other persons were allegedly involved in online fraud with US citizens," said a CBI spokesperson. The accused have been identified as Harish Kumar, Amit Kumar, Rakesh Kumar Athotra and Raj Kumari.
Used to lime very cleverly
Officials said that the accused were allegedly getting leads from their source and on these leads they used to make calls to people in the US through the Textnow application. The accused used to take control of the victim's computer on their system by using remote access software like Any Desk on the pretext of solving people's tech-related problems. They would then ask their victims to buy gift cards in exchange for installing or updating safety software, and in the meantime collect card numbers from people. It is also alleged that the gift card numbers taken from the victims were sent to specific Telegram groups to be redeemed for cash through hawala channels.
Used to attack the wallet of the victims
On June 10, 2022, a case was registered against the four accused and other unknown persons alleging that the accused, in conspiracy with each other and other unknown persons, fraudulently obtained access to digital resources of the people of the United States of America and had transferred his digital assets/cryptocurrency to his e-wallet. CBI investigation is still going on this matter.